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Are you looking for reliable, stable and fast rural internet?

We have a range of products to suit your requirements

  • Unlimited 10Mbps

    Every month
    Uncapped data 10Mbps Download Speed
    Valid for 24 months
    • Unlimited Downloads
    • 10Mbps Download Speed
    • 3Mbps Upload Speed
    • Satellite Dish
    • Internet Router
    • Free Installation
  • Most popular package

    Unlimited 20Mbps

    1 199R
    Every month
    Uncapped data 20Mbps Download Speed
    Valid for 24 months
    • Unlimited downloads
    • 20Mbps Download Speed
    • 3Mbps Upload Speed
    • Satellite Dish
    • Internet router
    • Free Installation
  • Data & Voice 10Mbps

    1 004R
    Every month
    Valid for 24 months
    • Unlimited Downloads
    • 10Mbps Download Speed
    • 3Mbps Upload Speed
    • VoIP enabled for voice calls
    • Satellite Dish
    • Internet Router
    • Free Installation
  • Data & Voice 20Mbs

    1 414R
    Every month
    20 Mbps Download Speed with Voip line
    Valid for 24 months
    • Unlimited Downloads
    • 20Mbps Download Speed
    • 3Mbps Upload Speed
    • VoIP enabled for voice calls
    • Satellite Dish
    • Internet Router
    • Free Installation
  • Unlimited 50Mbps

    2 455R
    Every month
    50Mbps Download and 5Mbps Upload
    Valid for 24 months
    • 50Mbps Download Speed
    • 5Mbps Upload Speed
    • Uncapped Data
    • Satellite kit included - Wi-fI router available extra
    • Voice calls not included
    • Fair use policy applies

Advantages of Satellite Internet


  • Reliable and Uninterrupted Internet Access

  • Not affected by load shedding of power cuts

  • Completely independent of Eskom or any ground-based issues

  • High-capacity reliable satellite internet to power your business 

  • Packages to suit your needs

  • Capped and Uncapped packages are available

  • Personal and business packages are available

  • Speeds of up to 50Mbps

  • Ideal as a secure backup line, or your primary connection

  • Fully installed and configured in under 5 days

  • VoIP-enabled packages available

  • We cover 95% of South Africa

  • Contact us for more information


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